Friday, March 12, 2010

Unfurling Ferns

I love the way ferns unfurl their fronds in the springtime.

Above is a royal fern fiddlehead. They have naturalized around the creek.

This one is a netted chain fern. We used to have hundreds growing on the banks of the creek. They were all wiped out by a hurricane, and I couldn't find any in the garden centers to replace them. I finally found some growing wild down the road and tried my luck with transplanting them.

There are other ferns coming up. I have bracken ferns, and other natives. There are lots of "Boston" ferns, which tend to get aggressive, but are great for filling in large shady areas. I also have big tropical ferns, and florists ferns, and autumn ferns.

1 comment:

Lona said...

It is pretty the way ferns unfurl. I have noticed woodland ferns that I have moved into some shady beds are starting to unfurl with their twisted leaves.